
(mongodb >=1.0.0)

MongoDB\Driver\Server::getPortReturns the port on which this server is listening


final public MongoDB\Driver\Server::getPort ( void ) : int

Returns the port on which this server is listening.




Returns the port on which this server is listening.



Example #1 MongoDB\Driver\Server::getPort() example


= new MongoDB\Driver\Manager("mongodb://localhost:27017/");

$rp = new MongoDB\Driver\ReadPreference(MongoDB\Driver\ReadPreference::RP_PRIMARY);
$server $manager->selectServer($rp);






php mongodb driver the mongodb driver server classphp mongodb driver cursor returns the server associated with this cursorphp mongodb driver monitoring commandfailedevent returns the exception associated with the failed commandphp mongodb driver monitoring commandfailedevent returns the command s operation idphp mongodb driver monitoring commandfailedevent returns the server on which the command was executedphp mongodb driver monitoring commandstartedevent returns the database on which the command was executedphp mongodb driver monitoring commandstartedevent returns the server on which the command was executedphp mongodb driver monitoring commandsucceededevent returns the command s operation idphp mongodb driver monitoring commandsucceededevent returns the command reply documentphp mongodb driver monitoring commandsucceededevent returns the server on which the command was executedphp mongodb driver server execute one or more write operations on this serverphp mongodb driver server returns the hostname of this serverphp mongodb driver server returns an array of information about this serverphp mongodb driver server returns the latency of this serverphp mongodb driver server returns the port on which this server is listeningphp mongodb driver server returns an array of tags describing this server in a replica setphp mongodb driver server returns an integer denoting the type of this serverphp mongodb driver server checks if this server is a secondary member of a replica setphp mongodb driver writeresult returns the number of documents inserted excluding upserts php mongodb driver writeresult returns the server associated with this write result