The MongoDB\Driver\Exception\InvalidArgumentException class

(mongodb >= 1.0.0)


Thrown when a driver method is given invalid arguments (e.g. invalid option types).


MongoDB\Driver\Exception\InvalidArgumentException extends InvalidArgumentException implements MongoDB\Driver\Exception\Exception {
/* 继承的属性 */
protected string $message ;
protected int $code ;
protected string $file ;
protected int $line ;
/* 继承的方法 */
final public Exception::getMessage ( void ) : string
final public Exception::getPrevious ( void ) : Throwable
final public Exception::getCode ( void ) : int
final public Exception::getFile ( void ) : string
final public Exception::getLine ( void ) : int
final public Exception::getTrace ( void ) : array
final public Exception::getTraceAsString ( void ) : string
public Exception::__toString ( void ) : string
final private Exception::__clone ( void ) : void
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