
(mongodb >=1.0.0)

MongoDB\Driver\WriteResult::getInsertedCountReturns the number of documents inserted (excluding upserts)


final public MongoDB\Driver\WriteResult::getInsertedCount ( void ) : integer|null




Returns the number of documents inserted (excluding upserts), or NULL if the write was not acknowledged.



Example #1 MongoDB\Driver\WriteResult::getInsertedCount() example


= new MongoDB\Driver\Manager;

$bulk = new MongoDB\Driver\BulkWrite;
$bulk->insert(['x' => 1]);
$bulk->update(['x' => 1], ['$set' => ['y' => 3]]);
$bulk->update(['x' => 2], ['$set' => ['y' => 1]], ['upsert' => true]);
$bulk->update(['x' => 3], ['$set' => ['y' => 2]], ['upsert' => true]);
$bulk->delete(['x' => 1]);

$result $manager->executeBulkWrite('db.collection'$bulk);






php mongodb driver cursor returns the id for this cursorphp mongodb driver cursor returns the server associated with this cursorphp mongodb driver monitoring commandstartedevent returns the server on which the command was executedphp mongodb driver readpreference returns the readpreference s maxstalenessseconds optionphp mongodb driver readpreference returns the readpreference s mode optionphp mongodb driver server returns an array of tags describing this server in a replica setphp mongodb driver server returns an integer denoting the type of this serverphp mongodb driver writeerror returns the writeerror s error codephp mongodb driver writeerror returns the index of the write operation corresponding to this writeerrorphp mongodb driver exception writeexception returns the writeresult for the failed write operationphp mongodb driver writeresult returns the number of documents deletedphp mongodb driver writeresult returns the number of documents inserted excluding upserts php mongodb driver writeresult returns the number of documents selected for updatephp mongodb driver writeresult returns the number of existing documents updatedphp mongodb driver writeresult returns the server associated with this write resultphp mongodb driver writeresult returns the number of documents inserted by an upsertphp mongodb driver writeresult returns an array of identifiers for upserted documentsphp mongodb driver writeresult returns any write concern error that occurredphp mongodb driver writeresult returns any write errors that occurredphp mongodb driver writeresult returns whether the write was acknowledged