Exception 类

php mongodb bson the mongodb bson persistable interfacephp mongodb driver exception the mongodb driver exception authenticationexception classphp mongodb driver exception the mongodb driver exception bulkwriteexception classphp mongodb driver exception the mongodb driver exception connectionexception classphp mongodb driver exception the mongodb driver exception connectiontimeoutexception classphp mongodb driver exception the mongodb driver exception exception interfacephp mongodb driver exception the mongodb driver exception executiontimeoutexception classphp mongodb driver exception the mongodb driver exception invalidargumentexception classphp mongodb driver exception the mongodb driver exception logicexception classphp mongodb driver exception the mongodb driver exception runtimeexception classphp mongodb driver exception the mongodb driver exception sslconnectionexception class deprecated php mongodb driver exception the mongodb driver exception unexpectedvalueexception classphp mongodb driver exception the mongodb driver exception writeexception classphp mongodb driver monitoring the mongodb driver monitoring commandsucceededevent classphp yaf the yaf exception loadfailed controller classphp mongodb bson binary serialize a binaryphp mongodb driver monitoring commandfailedevent returns the exception associated with the failed commandphp mongodb driver exception runtimeexception returns whether an error label is associated with an exceptionphp mongodb driver exception writeexception returns the writeresult for the failed write operationphp mongodb exception 类