
(PECL mysqlnd-uh >= 1.0.0-alpha)

MysqlndUhConnection::getLastInsertIdReturns the auto generated id used in the last query


public MysqlndUhConnection::getLastInsertId ( mysqlnd_connection $connection ) : int

Returns the auto generated id used in the last query.



Mysqlnd connection handle. Do not modify!


Last insert id.


Example #1 MysqlndUhConnection::getLastInsertId() example

class proxy extends MysqlndUhConnection {
 public function 
getLastInsertId($res) {
printf("%s(%s)\n"__METHOD__var_export(func_get_args(), true));
$ret parent::getLastInsertId($res);
printf("%s returns %s\n"__METHOD__var_export($rettrue));
mysqlnd_uh_set_connection_proxy(new proxy());

$mysqli = new mysqli("localhost""root""""test");
$mysqli->query("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test");
$mysqli->query("CREATE TABLE test(id INT AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, col VARCHAR(255))");
$mysqli->query("INSERT INTO test(col) VALUES ('a')");


proxy::getLastInsertId(array (
  0 => NULL,
proxy::getLastInsertId returns 1


php sequence returns the last valuephp cubrid 函数 return the id generated for the last updated auto increment columnphp ibm db2 函数 returns the auto generated id of the last insert query that successfully executed on this connectionphp maxdb 函数 returns the auto generated id used in the last queryphp maxdb 函数 returns the number of warnings from the last query for the given linkphp mysqlnd ms 函数 returns an array which describes the last used connectionphp sqlsrv 函数 returns the number of rows modified by the last insert update or delete query executedphp stomp 函数 returns a string description of the last connect errorphp mysqli returns the number of warnings from the last query for the given linkphp mysqlnduhconnection returns a string description of the last errorphp mysqlnduhconnection returns the number of columns for the most recent queryphp mysqlnduhconnection returns a string representing the type of connection usedphp mysqlnduhconnection returns the auto generated id used in the last queryphp mysqlnduhconnection returns the version of the mysql protocol usedphp mysqlnduhconnection returns the thread id for the current connectionphp mysqlnduhconnection returns the number of warnings from the last query for the given linkphp mysqlnduhconnection transfers a result set from the last queryphp rrdgraph saves the rrd database query into image and returns the verbose information about generated graphphp solrquery returns the maximum number of query terms that will be included in any generated queryphp solrquery returns the query fields and their boosts