php directoryiterator get path of current iterator item without filenamephp filteriterator check whether the current element of the iterator is acceptablephp gmagick gets the index of the current active imagephp imagickpixeliterator returns the current pixel iterator rowphp intlbreakiterator set the iterator position to the boundary immediately before the currentphp outeriterator returns the inner iterator for the current entryphp recursivecachingiterator check whether the current element of the inner iterator has childrenphp recursivecallbackfilteriterator check whether the inner iterator s current element has childrenphp recursivedirectoryiterator returns an iterator for the current entry if it is a directoryphp recursiveiterator returns if an iterator can be created for the current entryphp recursiveiteratoriterator access the current element valuephp recursiveiteratoriterator the current active sub iteratorphp recursiveiteratoriterator rewind the iterator to the first element of the top level inner iteratorphp recursiveiteratoriterator check whether the current position is validphp recursiveregexiterator returns an iterator for the current entryphp recursiveregexiterator returns whether an iterator can be obtained for the current entryphp simplexmliterator returns the sub elements of the current elementphp splpriorityqueue return current node pointed by the iteratorphp swoole connection iterator return current connection entry.php swoole connection iterator return key of the current connection.