php ftp 函数 returns a list of files in the given directoryphp informix 函数 list of sql fieldpropertiesphp informix 函数 list of informix sql fieldsphp imap 函数 list all the subscribed mailboxesphp msession 函数 list sessions with variablephp pspell 函数 determine whether to save a replacement pairs list along with the wordlistphp svn 函数 returns list of directory contents in repository url optionally at revision numberphp xattr 函数 get a list of extended attributesphp gearmanclient run a list of tasks in parallelphp gearmanworker give the worker an identifier so it can be tracked when asking gearmand for the list of available workersphp imagick adds new image to imagick object image listphp memcached clears all servers from the server listphp mysqli returns a list of errors from the last command executedphp soapclient get list of cookiesphp soapclient returns list of available soap functionsphp soapclient returns a list of soap typesphp solrquery returns an offset into the list of constraints to be used for paginationphp spldoublylinkedlist checks whether the doubly linked list is emptyphp spldoublylinkedlist prepends the doubly linked list with an elementphp swfmovie removes the object instance from the display list