php ming the swfbutton classphp map associates a key with a valuephp map associates all key value pairs of a traversable object or arrayphp gmagick creates a simulated 3d button like effectphp harupage set transition style for the pagephp imagick creates a simulated 3d button like effectphp imagickdraw associates a named clipping path with the imagephp intlcalendar tell whether a day is a weekday weekend or a day that has a transition between the twophp splobjectstorage associates data to an object in the storagephp swfbutton adds an actionphp swfbutton associates a sound with a button transitionphp swfbutton adds a shape to a buttonphp swfbutton creates a new buttonphp swfbutton sets the actionphp swfbutton alias for addshape shape swfbutton down php swfbutton enable track as menu button behaviourphp swfbutton alias for addshape shape swfbutton over php swfbutton alias for addshape shape swfbutton up php ui controls button click handlerphp ui controls button set text