php msql 函数 alias of msql field flagsphp msql 函数 alias of msql num rowsphp msql 函数 alias of sql regcasephp ncurses 函数 scroll window content up or down without changing current positionphp trader 函数 three inside up/downphp trader 函数 three outside up/downphp vpopmail 函数 insert a virtual aliasphp xdiff 函数 alias of xdiff string bpatchphp imagickdraw returns the shape to be used at the end of open subpaths when they are strokedphp mysqlnduhconnection pings a server connection or tries to reconnect if the connection has gone downphp solrparams an alias of solrparams setparamphp splfileobject alias of splfileobject fgetsphp swfbutton adds a shape to a buttonphp swfbutton creates a new buttonphp swfbutton sets the actionphp swfbutton alias for addshape shape swfbutton down php swfbutton alias for addshape shape swfbutton hit php swfbutton alias for addshape shape swfbutton over php swfbutton alias for addshape shape swfbutton up php swfshape draws the first character in the given string into the shape using the glyph definition from the given font